The body is created in the production process.
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari: Anti-Ödipus, Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie, Frankfurt am Main 1977.
The title deliberately suggests the mechanics of movement. Under the influence of forces, a body changes its position over time, subject to the laws of mass and propulsion, acceleration and direction in a specific reference system. But which movement machines are meant? The dancer as the most perfect body machine possible? Or the thinking machines of dance? The machine-like nature of thought? The media machine? experiments with specific links between dance practices and today’s machines/media, but at the same time also calls up earlier constellations of mediality: Written formations of movement, visualisations of what is said, embodiments of symbolic arrangements of signs, mechanics of movement simulations, the air in movement, the sound of a breath. By means of the stimuli of old and new media on a digital surface, the project undermines the self-evident nature of contemporary media research, „exclusively researching contemporary or modern media“ (Kittler 2021), but also explicitly deals with digital gamification, the use of playful means and dynamics in contemporary dance practice.
PROJECTS – a multimodal, user-centered web platform for dance shows different dance-choreographic working strategies. A team of dancers uses videos, photographs, text excerpts, interviews, dance notations and drawings to guide users through working and creative processes and encourage further processing by the users.
In five micro-studies, this team explores largely unknown (archive) material by/about Vaslav Nijinsky, Gertrud Bodenwieser, Olga Szentpál, Andrei Jerschik and Isolde Klietmann. The core idea of the studies is the use of (archive) material as movement machines – as a productive synthesis of extraction and production, of material/media to dancing body and vice versa, of digitised to contemporary, idiosyncratic artistic gesture and vice versa. Movement machines translate, transpose, transfer, couple, ‚queer‘ or associate material/media and dance physique. – A multimodal, user-centred web platform for dance by Rose Breuss (2024)
Upcoming Events for presentations and discussions of
19.-21. September 2024 – Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen
(Un-)Sichtbarkeiten – Moderner Tanz Re-Visited Symposium der Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung e.V. (gtf) 2024
30.Oktober 2024 bis 1. November 2024 – Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz
Rosenberg Dance Research Festival
19. November 2024, 18.00 – Festsaal des Bezirksamtes des 18. Bezirks
Martinstrasse 100, 1180 Wien
29. November 2024 – Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Praha Hudební a taneční fakulta
Symposium on Choreology
Project lead: Univ.Prof.Mag. Rose Breuss
Project members: Rose Breuss, Kai Chun Chuang, Damián Cortés Alberti, Constantin Georgescu, Boglárka Heim, Claudia Jeschke,
Marcela López Morales, Eszter Petrány, Maria Shurkhal
Design: restr()ct – Tobias Leibetseder
Publishing partner: epodium Verlag
Funded through:
‘Digitale Transformation’ 2023-24, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport (Federal Ministry, Republic of Austria – Arts, Culture, Civil Service & Sport)